There it is! Lowe's Motor Speedway! What a thrill to actually be there. It was worth the wait and the drive!
Here I am with Jacob, full of anticipation with a dream coming true!
It took us an hour or more to get two miles down the road from the freeway to get to the speedway. It is hard to imagine 150,000 people gathering in one place. At the end of the race we sat in the truck for almost 2 hours before we could even begin to move. It just took that long to get everyone cleared out. We reached our hotel at 3:00 am, tired but still enjoying life. 
Ron and Jake were enjoying our great seats. We could see everything we needed to see. We could see the entire track, all of pit lane, and the start finish line. But best of all was that first experience of the noise of 43 cars rounding turn 4 all at max Speed. It was loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's was hard to contain myself. Behind me you can see turn 4, which was the site of much action. We were lucky enough to sit near pretty mellow people, who liked a grand a aray of different drivers. So we felt safe being Jeff fans. I sat by an older man and his wife who drove all the way from Iowa to see the race. We had some good talks of how people always confuse Idaho and Iowa. We don't get it?
Jeff and the 24 up close!
Ron and Jacob got close to Juan Pablo. They were yelling in spanish to him. He just would not look over. I am not sure what they were saying?
A better ending could not have been written. Jeff Gordon and his burnout celebration!
We believed that going to this race would end our curiosity...but no! We can't wait to go again. There is no way to express the fun that was had by all!