Jacob Graduates from Basic Training!
As one career in the Army comes to a close, others just begin, so it is with the Garner Clan. The latest Soldier is Jacob. He just graduated from Basic Training on the 24th of October. His big brother Phillip and his family came along for the festivities. It is supposed to be pleasant and warm in Fort Jackson, South Carolina in the Fall, but not so on graduation day. We about froze in a very cold rain, but it didn't hamper the spirits of all those soldiers and their proud families. He is now at Fort Gordon, GA for his Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and will finish that in about 22 weeks, then will head off to learn how to jump from a perfectly good airplane at Airborne School in Fort Benning, GA, one of his childhood homes. All five of us are Airborne Soldiers now, quite a family feat. The most important thing is the willingness to give selflessly to their countries, which makes their Mom and Dad the proudest of all, as well as maintaining a strong commitment to their God, all being strong members of the Church.
Here we are, doing our best to not show we're freezing, just very happy he graduated and we can get in out of the cold. Izzie seemed to enjoy the celebration, but of course she got to be carried around wrapped in a warm blanket.
This is Foxtrot Company, he's back in the back, trust me.
"Where's Waldo?" He's back in the back right, whoever finds him first gets a cookie from Grandma.
Here he is, doing his best marching. They all looked good!
The oldest and the youngest of the Garner Strong clan, Phillip, currently a Captain and Jacob, a Private.
Spanning 24 years of Army service, but we're missing Alex, he's a Sergeant in Germany, and Ephraim, who was just promoted to 1st Lieutenant down in Fort Hood, Texas. Ephraim heads to Iraq in December, lucky him.
Still freezing. Lunch at Chili's is not far away now.
Hurry! Let's go!
One of Jake's favorite Drill Sargents, SSG Dennis. See, they don't yell all the time, just most of the time.
Jake was a little less thrilled when we left him again for his 22 week stint in Georgia. He didn't want to say goodbye to his Mom this time. But of course he did, and he's doing well in his course, now sharing a room with just seven of his closest friends, instead of 60. He made us stay the weekend; we were going to hurry back for Church in Virginia, but if we signed him out on leave, he could have the whole weekend free. Needless to say the pleading was earnest on his part, so we made arrangements to stay with him for the weekend. We're back to being alone at home, but that's alright, we're getting used to it.