Adam and Hayley come to Virginia for his Doctoral Program at Marymount University!
Grandma and Ellie have been enjoying getting to know each other. The Grillmaster at work. It's taken 35 years or so, but I'm starting to get it right. Tex is always looking for something. It's tiring having so much fun! As is the case with everything she does, Ellie has her own style of crawling. She cracked us up the day she discovered sticking out her tongue. Luckily, it only lasted a day or two. Roughhousing with Dad is a favorite activity. The newest addition to the clan is Tucker, an Australian Cattle Dog. He is a big baby and loves to play and cuddle. Even Uncle Tank has been very accepting; except when he has a chew. Ellie and Tucker are best buds and wrestle and fight over things all the time. Of course, Betsy gets to nurture another kid (dog). Jake is on her favorite person in the world list. It's tiring eating and playing. He will crash anywhere. Ellie learned how to clap and actually have hands meet each other. (they used to just wave back and forth) Her favorite things are anything related to the dogs, dishes especially. We're amazed at this. Tank has decided she is OK and lets her crawl right over top of him. Could be he's just too old and lazy to care anymore. She owns this place. One of the many battles that occur throughout the day.
Ellie tries to referee, but usually just gets mixed up in the fight.