We had an eventful June this year. Ron was preparing to leave for 2 years to work in Mexico City and we had so many things to do before he left. Since we moved to our new house, we have been making a list of all the things we wanted to do in the yard. The first on the list was to clean up the trees in the front of the house. They were covered in vines and in bad shape. We liked the privacy they gave us, but we also knew how messy they looked. At first Ron and I were going to tackle it ourselves, but we soon realized it would take days or probably weeks to do the job. So we hired a landscaping company to come and do the work. What took them about 4 hours to do, I am positive would have taken us weeks. Once the area was cleaned up it revealed a dilapidated wood fence on the corner and some more areas of barbed wire in a mess. We decided to quickly replace the wood on the corner. What we did looked so great, we then made the decision to make the wood fence go all the way down the front. We took our time completing it. The weather was very hot and humid, so we would work an hour or two in the evening until it was finished. We love it, and now plan to do it around the whole place. Of course it will have to happen a little at a time, and when Ron is around to do the work. It will also require more clearing of old fences and grown over areas. I had a huge "Honey Do" list for Ron, and I believe we nearly accomplished everything on the list.
Ron was pretty sad to leave Ellie and Seth. They have become such a part of our lives. He needed a few pictures taken before he left the next day.
Seth changes so much every week. He will probably be walking when Ron sees him next.
Ellie sure loves her "Pa".
They will always be best buds!
We took a few pictures while they were clearing the vines and the huge mess in front of our house.
It is amazing what a few good men with the right equipment can do!
The dilapidated fence that was under all the vines!
It cleaned up pretty nice!
We built the fence on the corner, and then decided to keep going.
Now you can see the house from the road! Good for curb appeal, but bad for privacy!
These are a couple pictures Hayley took of us doing the work. Or should I say Ron doing the work. I had to laugh when I saw the pictures. Ellie and I are in the very same position. Genetics?

This is the street view from the corner. It was a great accomplishment for us to get it done before Ron left.
I love it!
The day after Ron left, Alex flew in from Korea. Sara, Jensen, and Duke came to Virginia too! They bought a Slip and Slide and Alex was first to show the kids how its done!
Jensen was a fast learner!
Ellie never did quite get it. The water was a bit disturbing when it hit her in the face. She had fun anyway!
These are just some pictures of the kids watching a movie. First is Seth!
Second is Ellie!
And last is Jensen. I always think it's fun to watch them watch a movie!

We were lucky to have Jensen here on his Birthday. We love to share birthdays every chance we get. Jensen loves Dino's.
Ellie loves presents. Lucky for her we have had a few extra parties this year. She is never left out of the fun.
Even Duke got his own Dinosaur!
Hayley made some awesome cupcakes. Jensen was eager to do the job of blowing out the candles.
Like I said, Ellie is never left out.
These are the Dog Days of Summer!
More water than Tex "should" ever Drink!
Ellie is always happy to help him out.
Grandma Garner said she needed some more pictures of Lidia. These are two Hayley took when we visited them in Savannah in May. She is adorable.