This is a great Picture of the Mad Tractor Driver Will!
Jacob and I flew to Monterey, California to Visit Phillip, Paula and family! Isabella said I had to see where she lived, and she was right. She has loved animals from the beginning, so their move to live on a farm/petting zoo has to be a dream come true! They get to live near horses, llamas, chickens, donkey's, goats, rabbits....and more! Izzy helps every chance she gets and if you visit she will tell you how to do everything. We had a great time with the kids and the animals.
Jacob was a big hit with the kids. He was always there to play and help them out. The mini tractors got everyone excited.
On Saturday, Julene and Nicole came to visit. That was a nice surprise! It is always a treat to visit with family members we rarely get to see.
Lidia would not be left out of the fun!
A little asisstance was all that was needed.
Some cute tractor smiles from Lidia.
Paula convinced Jacob to go for a ride! He wasn't even scared!

A little assistance to climb up!
Phillip is becoming pretty comfortable with all the animals. They like him too.
I watched from the sidelines. They tried to convince me to ride, but I still have bucking off memories from my youth in Idaho. I know............get over it!
Lidia is getting so grown up. I had not seen her since last May, and of course Jacob had never seen her. She is very determined and don't get in her way. She is adorable!
Playing hide and seek with a box on her head.
I am working on making friends with Mr. Cheeks. He likes Phillip the most!
Jake enjoyed it all. It was fun to meet him there. I have missed him since he left for College!
Movie time with the kids. Poor Will had been sick with a fever and cough. But he started feeling better by the last day we were there. We had a great time and I can't wait for them to move closer to us.