We were lucky to get to fly to Texas and see Ephraim and Heather and their two boys, Max and Ezra. They live in Killeen, TX, right next to Fort Hood, where Eph is stationed with the 1st Cavalry Division. He left for Iraq on December 15, 2008 for a 12 month deployment. Heather will spend most of her time in Texas taking care of the boys and helping out with the family support group while the Soldiers are away. We really enjoyed getting to know the boys; actually, meeting Ezra for the first time. We can't wait to see them again! We had our own little Christmas with them and got to know a couple of really good Texas eateries, a fine barbeque place and an awsome Mexican cafe, that makes the best flour tortillas you can imagine. All in all, a great trip and best of all, great loved ones to visit with.
Max and Ezra were really happy to get some quality Grandma time!
Max determined that this is his "Nephite" look. His Mom says the necks of all his shirts get stretched out from this. Funny stuff.
Lucky Max! He got to have several Christmas' in 2008.
We're not sure his Mom appreciated it, but Max sure loves his noisy machine gun.
Three Garner Men; it was kind of like holding your own kids, even though they're not. Gma and Gpa got to babysit while Ephraim and Heather went to Austin for a date. We had some fun, and no blood or broken bones resulted from the fun. That would be defined as success.
What boy doesn't love his Grandma? Especially one as sweet as Betsy.
This was Gma Betsy's first chance to meet Ezra. He is a very fun kid and seems to be allot like his Dad.
Gpa figured out how to put Ezra to sleep; wrap him up and hold on tight. He gives in in no time at all.
Max seemed to be a natural at striking a pose. I wonder if Aunt Sara has secretly been giving him lessons?
"Can you believe it; a great big pirate ship just for me?!
Ezra wasn't so sure what the deal was, but liked the paper, the excitement and the fun.
Can you believe Santa got this boy a drum set? What was he thinking?
And he loved the power tools and the tool belt. He loves dressing up and fixing things.
The tool belt was a major hit with the tool man, Max.
Ezra seemed to have no trouble figuring out the whole drumming thing; Heather should have lots of fun with these two while Dad's away in Iraq.
Just getting into the holiday spirit.
Max likes everything, (at least for a few minutes) then he's off to the next great adventure.
"See Gma, we clean up pretty good here in Texas"
Max and Ezra loved it when Gma would play Primary songs and sing with them.
Ezra, Ron, Max and Ephraim, the Garner Boys.
Ephraim and Heather bought a real nice place in Killeen, TX; this is the backyard.
Church can take allot out of a little guy, especially trying to sit still through two hours of Stake Conference.
Ezra took it all in stride; "just chillin' in my seat, man".
Ephraim and Heather have a great little family and are really great parents. We're really going to miss seeing them all.
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