I got dragged to Betsy's company holiday party...
On a very happy note, Adam, Hayley and Ellie came to Virginia to visit us! Ellie decided Grandma was pretty cool.
Ellie decided the teething biscuits were pretty dang good! Grandpa checked, not that good.
The girl does like the dogs; Kiki was not as sure about babies. Lots of hair pulling.
Lots of driving around kept Ellie guessing; by and large she did really well.
The DC Auto Show
Grandma didn't come for the cars, she came for face time with Ellie.
Izzie's Dad and Mom brought her to see Cousin Ellie!
Grampa and Phillip took Izzie to the park. She's very brave and goes down the slides all by herself.
Izzie is about to get the "treatment" from her cousin Ellie; a good hair pulling.
Izzie just kind of had this "I can't believe she pulled my hair" look. It was funny to most of us, not to her.
Izzie was very understanding and kissed and made up. What a sweetheart.
Grandma and Ellie looking very pretty and ready for Church. Ellie still struggles to make it all the way through a meeting of course.

Mom knows the real deal, soon she'll spit up on Mom's dress, then cry right in the middle of Sacrament Meeting.
The master of Sunday dinner, Grampa!
Ellie loved the dogs in no time. She doesn't know that for Tank she is snack size.
But he was very patient and the old dog seems to be learning new tricks. Each grandkid gets a little better to him.
Mom knows the real deal, soon she'll spit up on Mom's dress, then cry right in the middle of Sacrament Meeting.
We really enjoyed the Garner article. It was neat to see all the "boys" (now men)in their uniforms and their families. We're glad you got to enjoy little Ellie. She is so cute...Thanks for everything you do for our mutual kids and grandchild. :-) Rick and Cathy
How fun! I love that there is a whole section dedicated to the cars :) very Garner. That article was really cool. Our little family is certainly grateful for men like you who serve and protect our country. Hope you are all doing well. Much love.
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