So...Saturday when we got there they were putting on siding and by Sunday, this is what it looks like. Still needs shutters, some trim and lights, but it is looking good. The garage doors were installed...
...and the view from the back looks good as well.
Gma and I hurried down after church to give it a quick look.
The weather on Saturday was really nice for late July, so we were all in good spirits. Ellie loves Gma allot. She usually calls her Ma or Pa (we both get called Pa as much as anything).
Can't wait to soak in that tub!
This is looking upstairs from the entry / dining room.
Looking from the great room into the kitchen. We can't wait to cook in there!
This is one of the guest rooms, so come on down!
Can't wait t0 see it done.
Hayley is pretending to be excited, but she just wants to have that baby is what she's really saying.
Best buds.
And the well went in this week too. Lot's of progress and our own water, (no more water bill).
Gpa made cookies for the Marine OCS LDS students and Ellie loves cookie dough.
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