Monday, January 7, 2013

Hurrican Sandy

Luckily we got through Sandy without much trouble.  My biggest concern was the power going off and then the sump pump not working, and the basement flooding.  I kept checking the pump and it was pretty much pumping water almost nonstop.  The power went out, but it only lasted a minute or so.  We have now placed a generator at the top of next major purchase list. 
The wind was pretty strong and did a number on our Flag. 
We only had one tree come down.  Tucker helped me with the inspection.
We parked the cars out of the way of most trees.  As you can see the pine needles were the worst of it.
A week or two before the hurricane, Pa helped Ellie make some pinecone bird feeders.  I never saw the birds touch them until right after the storm.  I had to take a few pictures of the beautiful cardinal for Ellie to see him enjoying the birdseed.  I was also quite amazed that it didn't get blown off the rail.

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